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Ingredient Name : Fossil Encrinite

Arabic Name : Hajar al-yahood, Hajar Yahoodee

English Name : Lime Silicate, Jews Stone

French Name : Encrinite de fossile

German Name : Enkrinit, Versteinerte Seelilien, Muschelkalkstein

Hindi Name : Hajrul Yahud, Bel Pathar, Ber Pathar

Latin name : Fossil Encrinite

Persian Name : Sange Jahud

Sanskrit Name : Badrashma

Urdu Name : Hajrul Yahud


It is a fossilised stone primarily containing silicate of lime. The Calx (Bhasma) is used as a diuretic and lithontriptic It is given in retention of urine and in disease of the urinary organs. Useful in renal and bladder calculi.

Recommended Dosage: 1 g to 1.5 g fine powder; 30 mg to 60 mg Kushta/Bhasma (Calx.)

Contraindication: This mineral has no known warnings or contraindications.