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Diseases Name : Premature Aging


Apparent old age by 30-40 years of age.

Persons most commonly affected: Adolescence or early adulthood in both sexes.
Symptoms and indications: Short stature, premature graying and balding, wizened face, beaked nose, cataracts, scleroderma-like skin changes (especially in the extremities), subcutaneous calcification (deposits of calcium beneath the skin), premature arteriosclerosis, muscular atrophy and tendencies to diabetes mellitus and to tumors (especially, osteosarcoma and meningioma).
Causes and risk factors: Exposure to chemicals and toxins, disease and illness, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet and nutrition, being overweight and poor eating habits, and overuse of prescription drugs and medication.
Prevention: Avoidance of smoking and excessive sun exposure are the most important steps towards keeping a youthful appearance.
The following suggestions provide useful information for delaying the ageing process: Obesity is one of the most serious pro-aging factors, losing excess weight and keeping your weight down will result in an improved sense of well-being. By adding a variety of fruit and vegetables to the daily meals, vitamins and nutrients are assimilated which can act as antioxidants, disarming damaging free radicals. The hormone \"Human Growth Hormone\" appears to hold a key function in the process of aging. Its release from the pituitary gland takes place particularly at night, and it is inhibited by a high blood glucose level (e.g. after a substancial meal). So dinner cancelling (no intake of food or drinks besides water after 5 p.m.) is recommended by some physicians, although this recommandation is still controversial. As it has been suggested in studies that sugar may play a part in advancing skin wrinkling, a low intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates may prove useful to the skin.