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Ingredient Name : Fructooligosaccharides

English Name : Fructooligosaccharides

Latin name : Fructooligosaccharides


Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are oligosaccharides that occur naturally in plants such as onion, chicory, garlic, asparagus,banana, artichoke, among many others. They are 100% natural prebiotic dietary fibres, that do not get digested by enzymes in stomach and the small intestine. They get fermented in the large intestine, augmenting the growth of healthy bacteria and suppressing harmful bacteria. This improves bowel function and promotes better digestive health. It is a natural substitute for sugar. It is 0.8 times sweeter than sugar, but contains only 1/3rd the calories as that of sugar.

Only 30% of ingested calcium gets absorbed in the body. FOS enhances absorption of minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. This helps bones stay stronger, prevents osteoporosis and provided essential minerals to the body.

It also reduces cholesterol and does not lead to tooth decay. It has anti-carcinogenic properties as it promotes growth of bifidobacteria in the colon, reducing harmful bacteria. It also boosts immunity.

Sugar has multiple health issues like obesity, diabetes mellitus, heart ailments, etc whereas in FOS there are no side effects, just that it has a laxative effect only when consumed in excess. FOS has only one-third the calories as compared to Sugar and
has a low Glycemic Index, that suits diabetes patients.

Currently FOS are increasingly included in food products and infant formulas due to their prebiotic effect that stimulate the growth of nonpathogenic intestinal microflora. Their consumption increases fecal bolus and the frequency of depositions, while a dose of 4-15 g/day given to healthy
subjects will reduce constipation, considered one of the growing problems of modern society, and newborns during the first months of life.