Body Disorders


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Ingredient Name : Melilotus alba Desv.

Arabic Name : Ikleel al-malik, Shajarat al-hubb, Teeraazan, Daarshaan

Bengali Name : Ban Piring

Chinese Name : Bai hua cao mu xi

English Name : Tonkin Bean, Melilot, King’s Crown, King’s Clover

French Name : Mélilot Blanc

German Name : Honigklee, Weißer Steinklee, Süßklee, Weißer Honigklee

Hindi Name : Purang, Nakhuna, Purtuk

Latin name : Melilotus alba Desv.

Persian Name : Gayah Qaisar, Shahafsar

Urdu Name : Nikh


The whole herb has anodyne, anticoagulant, aromatic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emollient and styptic properties. Useful in flatulence, colic, gastralgia and neuralgia. The dried leaves contain coumarin, this can be used as an anticlotting agent for the blood. Useful in inflammatory conditions of liver, spleen, intestines, uterus and rectum.

Recommended Dosage: 2 to 4 g powder of whole herb.

Contraindication: This herb is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation. People who use prescription blood thinners (warfarin, Coumadin, aspirin, etc.), or those with any blood-clotting problem should not use Melilot. Overuse (many times the recommended dosage) may induce vomiting and other symptoms of poisoning.