Body Disorders

Herbal Supplements

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Herbal Supplements Name 2 : Giloy Amla Ras


Fresh Giloy along with Amla Ras is a valuable Tonic. The juice of the stem of Giloy is useful in skin diseases, fevers and liver dysfunctions. It is widely used in Indian ayurvedic medicine in the management of diabetes mellitus. Giloy is reported to benefit the immune system in a variety of ways and has been tested successfully for immuno-modulatory activity. Giloy has anti-stress and tonic property and it has been found that it has good response in children with moderate degree of behaviour disorders and mental deficit. It is also rich in antioxidants so protect the body from oxidative damage and prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Giloy is also known to increase the lifespan of humans by preventing many chronic diseases. For treatment of Skin disorders Giloy with Amla Ras is highly beneficial. Its regular intake promotes the glow of skin and also strengthens immunity.


Botanical NameHindi NameQty
Each ml contains:
Tinospora cordifolia(Guduchi)72.47%
Emblica officinalis(Amla)18.12%
Orange Juice9.06%
Class II Preservatives0.35%
Diabetes Mellitus, Dyspepsia, Fevers, General Debility, Cough, Jaundice, Liver Dysfunction and Low Immunity.
Seek professional advice during pregnancy.
There are no known side effects.
10-15 ml twice a day. Add 10-20 ml water according to taste. Honey may also be added.
In bottles of 200 ml